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Careers in Comedy: Dave Reuben, Comedy Resource Guide

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Dave ReubenWhat are some of the similarities and differences that you noticed between Canadian and US comics?

Having toured both in Canada and the US, I found that funny is funny and nice people are nice and nasty people are just nasty. That being said, I think that stand-up comics in both countries make a mistake when their material only works in the region of the country that they live and work.

What were your thoughts about the New York comedy scene during your last visit?

Last time I came to New York, I did not use The Comedy Green Room to get spots. I wanted to see how outsiders were treated. It was very difficult to get guest spots in New York City. The only spot I could get was a bringer show, which we do not have in Toronto or Canada. So I thought a new experience, well once was enough?

Not only was the host rude to me and looked down at the comics on the bringer show, but not one comic on the show talked to me even though I tried to start conversations before and after the show.  Now this might be an isolated incident, however when outsiders come to my show in Toronto, I make sure they are introduce to the other comics, give them a free drink and a good spot on the show. I have had comics from the US, Australia, the UK e-mail me to thank me for my courtesy when they are in Toronto.

What areas do you think comedians should focus more in terms of the craft and business?

I think comics should work on their writing and performing skills before they start promoting themselves on the Internet and sending out promotion material to clubs and bookers. Because if you get booked and then do not deliver, then you do not get booked again. But more importantly, if the public is disappointed, then they will not come back and see live comedy.

If you could change anything about the comedy business, what would it be?

Better pay for club comics such as emcees, opening and middle acts and headliners. Unknown acts have to work so hard for their money and it is so hard to move up the ladder.  Then if a comic becomes a nationally or internationally known act, they can write their own ticket.

Who are some of the comedians that you enjoy watching?

Russell Peters I have always enjoyed watching even when he started in Toronto; Harland Williams has always been another that I enjoyed watching and was very interesting when he started.  I just saw Rich Shapiro and he was interesting to watch and to meet.  Some of my favorites are Emo Philips, Judy Tenuta, Sam Kinison, Bill Hicks, Mike McDonald, Norm MacDonald, and the king of Canadian black comedy, Kenny Robinson.

I love watching unknown stand-up comics; I am like a rink rat of the open mike comedy community always looking for the gem in the rough.

What advice do you have for aspiring comics?

When you start out in comedy, get on stage as much as possible. Be nice to the other comics and if you have a good set, do not let it get to your head. Rude beginners get a very bad reputation which is hard to get rid of.

What is next the Comedy Green Room?

I am trying to expand The Comedy Green Room more into Europe, Japan, China and South Africa. I have been an advisor on some comedy festivals both in Canada and the US and hope to do more of that type of work.  We hope to have a new design for The Comedy Green Room by early 2009 with many more exciting features.

Tasha Harris

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