Exclusive Statement from Comic Strip Live in Reponse to Scott Blakeman’s Video
New York, NY. –The passing of legendary booker Lucien Hold left a void, which can never be filled, in the heart of The Comic Strip Live. One of many reasons Lucien was so respected was because of the incredibly high standards he set for all comedians who performed on or wished to perform on our legendary stage. He never accepted anything less than excellence. While The Comic Strip Live will never be the same without Lucien, we feel we honor his memory by maintaining and further raising the quality of standards he worked so hard to achieve. As a result, only today’s best comedians grace our stage.
Some may say that Comic Strip Live is not what it used to be. To that, we could not agree more. We’re bigger, we’re better, and we have an amazing rapport with our audiences. In fact, 2007 delivered Comic Strip Live its most successful year to date with record shattering attendance numbers and record press coverage. Additionally, we were bestowed the honor as “Best Comedy Club for 2007” by AOL’s CityGuide. A title solidified by the continued appearances of Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Dane Cook and other big names in comedy.
Following Lucien’s vision, we take pride in our high standard of quality and will continue to do so for many years to come. The few voices of dissent are incomparable to the vast number of supporters, fans, and legendary comedians who believe in their hearts that the Comic Strip Live is the greatest comedy club in history.