Director, producer and comedian Robert Townsend will kick off the Ultimate Pitch Master Class tour Saturday, November 21, 2009 from 10:00am – 1:00pm at TheTimesCenter Stage, located at 232 West 41 Street in New York City. Additional cities will be announced in January 2010.
The three-hour session is designed to teach those seeking careers in film and television how to pitch their ideas to networks and studios. Townsend shares his technique from concept to development, through the various stages of rewrites and pitching to studios as well as providing advice on how to close the deal with clarity, precision and confidence.
Townsend will listen to pitches from class attendees and help critique, refine and further develop those presented in the session. One lucky attendee will be handpicked to get his or her idea fully developed with Townsend, and pitched to a Hollywood studio.