Simon King: Unfamous
Rating: 3 1/2 stars (out of 5)
Simon King’s debut comedy album, Unfamous, is a frantically-paced exploration of American culture, reminiscent of a less mean-spirited (but almost as profane) Denis Leary circa No Cure For Cancer. Add in Pablo-Francisco-esque random sound effects and impersonation, and you have a good idea of what King’s comedy act is like.
King, not to be confused with the popular British documentarian, was born in Britain, and is based primarily in the Vancouver area. He frequents the American west coast comedy circuit, as well as regularly tours all over North America.
Taking on such topics as the war on drugs, military recruitment commercials, and fast food, King dices the cultural landscape of our times. A particularly funny bit about Australians and the didgeridoo highlights the absurdity of the outback instrument, and shows off his ability to mimic a dead-on didge into the mic.
King’s manic energy and knack for yelling never gets old or annoying, even though several of his punch lines finish with him simply screaming “Fuck!”. It’s good to see hyperactive comedy with a bit of a brain and disdain for Wendy’s “The Baconator”. A bit about running into a girl who says “LOL” in face-to-face conversation encapsulates King’s “the times they are a changin'” outlook, as well as his vocal-outburst style of punch line.
A brief side-note: There’s a fan in the crowd at this live CD taping who punctuates all of his favorite jokes (which turns out to be lots of them) by yelling, “yeah” during the laugh breaks. At first it’s unnoticeable, and then it becomes distracting. By the end of the album, it’s downright hilarious and adds to the mania of King’s show.
In this era of too-cool-for-school hipness and performers who act like they’re not trying, Simon King is probably going to remain Unfamous for a little while. He offers fast-paced, loud comedy with heart and soul. King is a quality act with a talent for voice-modulation and cadence — and has a lot to say.
Ryan P. Carey, D.D.S. is a Philadelphia-based comic and senior contributing writer for STAGE TIME. Check out his blog at