CD Baby has launched its new Music Store Widget, providing artists with the easiest way to sell downloads and CDs directly to their fans. The customizable Music Store Widget can be embedded on an artist’s website, blog, or Facebook Page, and CD Baby will handle the rest, from the customer purchase to the artist payout.
For existing CD Baby members, The Music Store Widget is free and available in a variety of attractive themes. Artists simply choose the theme that best fits their needs, copy the HTML code, and paste it into the appropriate display area (the widget will form-fit to the selected display area’s dimensions). The Music Store Widget will show the fans all of the artist’s relevant info, including artist name, album title, album art, release date, style description, price (for both physical CD and MP3), and sample clips for the music.
Existing CD Baby artists can start selling their music immediately through The Music Store Widget by logging into their member accounts at
Artists who are not currently distributing their music through CD Baby can find more information about The Music Store Widget at: