Lindsay Lohan’s Playboy photo spread has been leaked on the internet. So the only guys who will have to wait to see it are old dudes who can’t work computers — in other words, guys like Hugh Hefner.
Jon Corzine: “Honey, have you seen that billion dollars? I left it right here on the kitchen table, Goddamn it. You’re always moving my shit!!”
Jon Corzine is the head of MF Global Investments. I wonder if their investors are thinking of a nickname for Corzine with those initials…
A study suggests that nuns should take birth control pills to reduce the cancer risk of their lack-of-sex lifestyle. Speaking of religion, maybe priests should use condoms to reduce the law suit risk of their like-of-sex lifestyle.
If you’d like to participate in Trump’s debate, dial 1-999-OPPOSSUMWIG. Desperate. Call immediately.
Actress Veena Malik is pissed at FHM, who she says altered her topless pictures and made her nude, “and there’s a big difference.” Yeah, three more jello shots.
If your “Secret Santa” is wearing a GPS ankle bracelet, run.
Neil Berliner is a writer for the syndicated late-night comedy talk show, The John Kerwin Show. He is a practicing M.D. and comedy writer, and has written aired lines for 11 major roasts since 2006 including Matt Lauer, Artie Lange, Mario Batali, Andy Dick, Pat Cooper, William Shatner, and Flavor Flav. Join Neil on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.