From North Korea: “We are thrilled with the spectacular success of our recent fireworks display. A special congratulations to Kim Jong Grucci.”
I think my online university is just as good as those regular schools. “I’m Neil Berliner, and I am a Feenix!”
The John Edwards trial is about to begin. It’s expected to last at least two haircuts and a trim.
The Best Buy CEO resigned suddenly over “personal conduct”. Sounds like his best buy may have been outside the Holland Tunnel!
Whitney Houston was apparently missing 11 teeth when she died. But sometimes the morgue mixes up bodies. Can somebody please check and see that Leon Spinks is okay?
After a decade of research I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve finally discovered the cure for childhood obesity: Tell the kid to wait 15 years.
If Tiger Woods’ ex marries and divorces Jeremy Irons and then marries Rush Limbaugh she’ll be Elin Woods-Irons-Putz.
Neil Berliner is a writer for the syndicated late-night comedy talk show, The John Kerwin Show. He is a practicing M.D. and comedy writer, and has written aired lines for 11 major roasts since 2006 including Matt Lauer, Artie Lange, Mario Batali, Andy Dick, Pat Cooper, William Shatner, and Flavor Flav. Join Neil on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.