Jessica Hardy is one of the busiest comedians on the Chicago comedy scene. She wears many hats as a writer, actress, filmmaker, and comedy instructor. In 2011, she included the title Festival Director to her list of achievements when she launched the debut of the Chicago Comedy Film Festival. Based on her comedy experience, she realized the lack of film festivals dedicated solely to comedy, and decided to create one in her hometown. “There was a need for it,” said Hardy. “The media was interested; Chicago was really excited because that’s what they’re known for — to support comedy.This is one more way to say ‘yeah…comedy matters!'”
During the initial year, over 350 films were submitted, and 31 were chosen to be screened during the event. The festival garnered support from Rooftop Comedy and the New York Television Film (NYTVF) in a working partnership, and volunteers to help manage the event.
Hardy said the focus of the festival’s criteria for submissions centers around the story. “Is it going to have a good story? Are the characters interesting? A lot of independent filmmakers are working on low budgets,” she said. “Even if the film isn’t studio quality, does it have a good story?”
The next submission period for the Chicago Comedy Film Festival will begin in January 2013. Hardy suggested including a cover letter with your entry. It allows the staff to learn more about the filmmaker and their back story. “What does your film mean to you? How did this all come to be?” Filmmakers may find it refreshing to learn that someone cares about them as much as the products they create for their audience.
The festival’s strategy to streamline and attract more sponsors has been key to its success. “The most important thing, less is more,” said Hardy. Scaling the festival down the size from the previous location at the Showplace Icon Theater, she continued, “you don’t have to go big first. Focus on the relationships with the community, because that is where you’ll grow the most. This year, it was those relationships that helped lead to additional partnerships and sponsors.”
The Chicago Comedy Film Festival runs November 2-4, 2012. To view the full schedule and buy tickets, visit
Wayne Manigo is a comedian and co-founder of DC Comedy Writers Group. He is the creator of “Addicted to Comedy,” and the ‘brainchild’ behind the annual comedy conference, Starting Stand Up: A Comic Beginning. He also produces the show, Bellylaughs in Bethesda at Caddies at Cordell.