Meet comedian and creator of, Vernon Davis better known as Longhorn the Comedian. Davis, whose TV appearances include Last Comic Standing, Who’s Got Jokes and Judge Mathis, has enjoyed success performing on the national club circuit, three European tours for US military troops and worked with top comedians such as Damon Wayans, Tracy Morgan, Eddie Griffin and Tommy Davidson. The seven-year veteran talks to us about his new website aimed to assist new comedians breaking into the comedy business.
What is the inspiration behind and what is the objective of the site?
Helpful Comic came about out of thinking back over the years, especially the early years of my own stand-up comedy career. I thought about the mistakes I made and the things I did ass backwards, and realized that I cannot be the only person making these same mistakes. Then, as I travel and I meet new comics, they would ask me questions about comedy and comedy career moves and I then realized that there was a need for this. Somebody has to help teach these comics the business of comedy business. So why not me? I don’t think I am the Comedy Guru. I am just a man that have lived a little bit, learned a lot and not afraid to try and help some one accomplish their dream. So, my objective is not to teach them to tell jokes, but our objective is the help them understand that this is a business and there are somethings they really need to know outside of just being funny.
What are some the features the site offers to comedians?
Our site offers articles and videos on helping comics develop their comedy. It also has resources like podcasts, webinars, comedy organizations, and we have a 25-year comedy veteran named Dobie Maxwell that writes a blog about doing comedy.
What are the criteria for featuring comedians?
Well, the criteria for being a “Featured Comedian” on our page was simple. You had to be an up and coming comic. That was it. We are not interested in promoted the A-list comedians because they have all the recognition they need. We wanted to spotlight those that are on the edges of the stage not in the limelight yet. I would ask for comics to send me their stuff.
What is some of the feedback that you have received from the comedy community since launching the site?
Praise and good tidings from new comics through veteran comics. Some believe that we have really filled a niche. Although some veteran comics believe the newbies should have to learn like we did, the hard way. In some cases, I do agree with them.
What would you like to achieve next with
We would like to grow Helpful Comic to the point that is a great media for new comedians. We want it to be the first place many of them start when they are considering their next steps in the comedy industry. We would love for Helpful Comic to remain like it is, one comic talking to another comic in the corner of a bar after a show, and sharing information.
What’s next for you?
I got a small part in a movie that I will be shooting my part in Atlanta in November and a few other projects going on. But the main thing is, I am just like any other comedian out there with their eye on the prize. Daily, I am working on booking more gigs and hitting more stages. I am just a regular guy, with some jokes, a dream and a drive to take my life and comedy to a new level – one laugh at a time.
Visit Vernon Davis at and follow him on Twitter at @LonghornComedy.