In the wide world of relationship wackiness there seems to be one commonality – fights. Everyone fights, arguments, disagreements and flat out brawls seem to be unavoidable but are they really? My mother always said pick your battles but what if you could avoid the battles altogether with just a little preemptive preparation. Let’s examine five of the most ridiculous and avoidable relationship fights and possible solutions.
5. The Facebook Status Fight
It happens, you’re dating a guy/girl that refuses to put their relationship status that they are in a relationship. Guess what that means…THEY DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW! To me that screams out “I want people to think I’m single,” so I say return the favor, having the fight is pointless, if a person wants to appear single well then you should too. Why waste your time arguing with someone who will only tip toe around a topic they think will hurt you? And if it hurts, oh well suck it up! People like being hit on and chased after; that will not change until whoever you are dating grows up and accepts their monogamous fate. No it does not mean that he/she will cheat, but that doesn’t mean they won’t (I’ll cover the dos and don’ts of cheating in another blog) Just do it for a while so you understand the allure and for the “Two wrongs don’t make a right” people, please understand that two wrongs may not make a right, but two negatives can in fact make a positive. Try and look at it like that.
4. The “Your Ex Called You” Fight
Okay I’ve had this fight plenty of times, let’s just accept the fact that sometimes exes become friends. I still hate it but hey I’m friends with some exes so how can I expect my boyfriend to not talk to his exes. If you are friends with any ex your partner has the right to be too. Just accept it.
3. “How Dare You Do that in a Dream!” Fight
Okay, so this is usually more a female fight then a guy fight. Here’s the logic (or lack thereof) she thinks if you will do it in her dream then subconsciously she believes you will do it in real life, but ladies, if it’s your subconscious isn’t that projection? Doesn’t it really mean that you think you might do that? Hmm interesting.
2. The “How Many Times Do I Have to Call you Before You Pick up Your Damn Phone?!” Fight
Really? I’m not even going to go in to the ridiculousness of this fight, people sometimes don’t pick up their phones and it will forever be a mystery as to why.
1. The “You finished, but I Didn’t” Fight
Guys look, and this might hurt your feelings, if you don’t make your girlfriend finish in the sack please don’t be surprised when she starts looking for someone who will, and girls, the same goes for you. Be considerate in the sack or your partner will find someone who will, point blank.
See how easy that was! I bet you all read some of those like “Wow I never looked at it like that” I knew you needed my help. Until the next time, I drop more knowledge on you folks, take care of yourselves and each other.