While reading the book Producer: Lessons Shared from 30 Years in Television by Wendy Walker this week, I was fascinated by her story of Ted Turner and the birth of his empire. When Ted decided the world needed access to news stories “24 hours per day, 7 days per week,” there were many naysayers who did not agree with his vision. It was quite a struggle building credibility when CNN was launched. The major networks at that time (ABC, CBS, NBC) fought hard to suppress his efforts. Eventually he won the respect of his peers, and created a major network in the process. He believed in his vision, and got others to believe it as well. So I thought to myself “How can I apply this lesson to comedy?”
One thing I love about comedy is how there are no set rules. There are suggested guidelines to help learn from successful people in the comedy field, but as an art form – you can do whatever you want. The only requirement is making a commitment to the comedy style of your choice. As you begin to achieve certain levels of success, prepare yourself for the unexpected resistance. I have a problem with people who complain about the comedy scene without offering suggestions for a solution. If you feel you’re not getting enough stage time, exposure, publicity, or whatever – develop an action plan and make the changes you desire.
I created my Bellylaughs in Bethesda comedy show three years ago, and now it’s the longest running open mic in that area. After the initial shows, I required comics sign up in advance and refused the walk-ins performances if the list was full. Some called me a jerk for not looking out for them, but I have a schedule to adhere to and I respect the venue. They don’t understand how 30 comedians would be overkill on any audience. For those who develop stronger material, I’d recommended them to promoters for potential shows. Due the work, and receive the reward.
District Comedy is one of the hardest working comedy teams in the D.C. area. Ralph Cooper and Brad Ryan began their Awesome Thursdays open mic comedy show at RFD three years ago. It became so popular that comics are booked 3-4 weeks in advance. Some complained about the waiting process, and others stopped supporting the room. It did not stop their growth, and now they manage also manage open mic shows at the Blue Banana and Fire Station 1.
This month, they created a Comedy March Madness with Christian Hunt (host of The Capital City Showcase). Much like the basketball competition, comedians advance at each round until the final show. The local press loved the concept. This tournament isn’t about crowning D.C.’s best comedian. It’s about having fun and promoting the area as a hub for comedy. Inspired by their efforts, I convinced Laughter Hours Comedy Club to use the finalists in future shows at their venue. Do the work, and receive the reward.
When Ralph and Brad began to produce comedy showcases for new comedians, it was met with resistance from experienced comedians. It was a delight to watch each show become more successful than the previous one. They provided an audience to build the confidence of new comedians, and built comedy allies in the process. After announcing the creation of their comedy school, it was also met with resistance from non-supporters. That brings me back to my opening remarks. Ted Turner had a vision that most people thought was unachievable. The Wright Brothers, Tom Edison and other people were stimulated by challenges, and they discovered ways to make their ideas work. Learn to ignore those who don’t believe in you, and let your results speak for you. It’s difficult to argue with successful achievements.
Keep believing in yourself!
© 2013 Wayne Manigo