Comedy documentary When Comedy Went to School premieres in US theaters Wednesday, July 31. When Comedy Went to School presents an entertaining portrait of this country’s greatest generation of Jewish comics – the generation that includes Jerry Lewis, Sid Caesar, Jackie Mason, Mort Sahl and Jerry Stiller – all of whom make appearances in the film, telling jokes and their stories. It is based in upstate New York’s Catskill Mountains, aka the Borscht Belt, where Jewish immigrants transformed lush farmland into the 20th century’s largest resort complex. Those Catskill hotels and bungalow colonies provided the setting for a remarkable group of young Jewish-American comedians to hone their craft and become worldwide legends. The documentary also features legendary comedians Robert Klein (host and narrator) and Dick Gregory, as well as contemporary comedians Marc Maron, Cory Kahaney, Wendy Liebman, Amy Stiller and Darryl Lenox.
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