I learned how to jump Double Dutch late in life. By late, I mean 12-years old. In the hood, that’s way late. If that were old enough to drive a car it would’ve qualified me for handicapped parking. It’s not my fault. As a kid I listened to a lot of AM radio and consequently didn’t know how to keep a beat. You need rhythm to jump Double Dutch or the rope will literally trip you up.
As an adult it used to be that I could get my Double Dutch fix whenever I saw a group of girls playing in the neighborhood. Several years ago I saw some young’uns outside my local library. I asked if I could join them and offered to turn for my jump. One of the little girls said, “You don’t have to turn, Miss.”
“Yes she do,” mumbled one of the others. I smiled, because she was right. Proper etiquette dictates that you at least offer to turn for your jump. But opportunities like this haven’t happened in a long time. Kids don’t play outside like they used to. No Double Dutch, no hopscotch, no freeze tag. Is it any wonder we have a childhood obesity problem? How are kids supposed to outrun the neighborhood pedophile if they never learn how to run? But that’s another issue.
[youtube id=”qOheYg7o0lk” width=”620″ height=”360″]
Apparently, I’m not the only one who’s missed hearing the “Swish-Swish, Swish-Swish, Swish-Swish” of a double turning rope. Earlier this year I found a Meetup group called Double Dutch Lovers – NYC. I’ve been wanting to hook up with them for months but my schedule didn’t allow it. Finally, our calendars synched up and I got to go to the End of Summer Jump. No, I didn’t know anyone. I just took myself (and a bag full of Bengay, Aleve, my good sneakers, and a positive mental attitude. I also I took a Glucosamine pill before and after.)
I had a blast! I met wonderful women, some who jump regularly, and some who haven’t jumped in 30 years. I felt like we all knew each other from back in the day and around the way. Although we didn’t have a permit, a mini picnic broke out complete with yellow rice, Atomic Wings, and sea salt potato chips. Don’t worry. We jumped it all – okay most of it off.
At the moment the group doesn’t have a place to meet indoors during the winter so we only have a few more weeks of temperate weather to meet in the park, and I really hope me and my bag of preventative analgesics can make it. It just doesn’t feel like exercise when you’re having this much fun!