Buzzworthy Confessions of a Comedian and a Real Bore A steadfast rule of writing comedy is to write what you know and on who you are. So, it has been interesting for me... Marc KayeJun 19, 2013
Columns Monoblogue: New Year’s Eve Invite ...if you get invited to a New Year's party, you are so just a replacement for someone way cooler than you who has already... Neil BerlinerDec 21, 2011
Columns Monoblogue: Trump’s Debate If you'd like to participate in Trump's debate, dial 1-999-OPPOSSUMWIG. Desperate. Call immediately. Neil BerlinerDec 12, 2011
Columns Monoblogue: Return of the NBA American Airlines has declared bankruptcy. Spirit would too, if they had $300 to hire a lawyer. Neil BerlinerDec 2, 2011