Addicted to Comedy Addicted to Comedy: Marketing Tips For Comedians: The David Siteman Garland Interview Comics might understand the requirements of moving to the "next tier" (i.e. emcee to feature, feature to headliner), but rare is it mentioned that... Wayne ManigoJan 28, 2013
Addicted to Comedy Addicted to Comedy: Learn to Write a TV Sitcom One day I'm watching a sitcom and I thought to myself "Geez...This is just plain awful!" As I continued flipping the remote, I noticed... Wayne ManigoJan 18, 2013
Addicted to Comedy Addicted to Comedy: Jeffrey Gurian and the History of ‘The Comic Strip’ Working in comedy does not guarantee fame, fortune, or a decent future. For those who are willing to work hard and make sacrifices, the... Wayne ManigoJan 10, 2013